To learn more about any of our initiatives below, please contact us by email, phone or by signing up for our updates via email
Meal plans for kids
GOWF Grants & Scholarships
Every year we select up to two individuals in our local communities and award them grants or scholarships. To date, we have awarded over $10,000 to deserving individuals. If you know someone who needs assistance in your community, feel free to reach out to us at or fill out our contact form and one of our board members will get in touch with you.
Annual Fundraising Gala
This annual Gala is our flagship fundraising event. Our board members, volunteers and sponsors strive to organize a thoughtful, engaging and entertaining experience to celebrate our existing patrons and welcome our new supporters to the GOWF family. The night is filled with exquisite food, amazing performances, auctions, raffles and other exciting treats. All proceeds from these events are allocated towards fulfilling the mission of the Gift of Writing Foundation.
Pencils For Progress
The Pencils for Progress initiative supports and improves the educational system in the provinces of Haiti by collecting and shipping school supplies to areas impacted by natural and man-made disasters. This initiative began in 2013 and to date, the organization has collected and shipped over $40,000 worth of school supplies to communities in Haiti, Rwanda and Nigeria.
Annual Mission Trips
In order to increase cultural awareness and stakeholder engagement, we organize annual trips to Haiti to visit children, families, administrators and teachers in the communities we serve. During these trips we assess the progress of the programs we fund, distribute supplies collected throughout the year and start the strategic planning for the upcoming year. We also take time to learn about and appreciate the diverse cultural and natural landscapes of these communities. If you or your organization would like to join our effort or sponsor a trip, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us at